Private Equity Advisory

Our long-standing relationships with leading financial institutions including private equity firms, venture capitalist, buyout investors, qualified institutional investors and sovereign wealth funds combined with our in depth understanding of the complex business operating environment enable us to identify emerging themes and allows us to help our private equity clients find and evaluate the right investments and exit opportunities across a range of sectors.

To the business enterprises, it’s a key challenge to identify and select a right mode and right partner to source its equity capital needs. Private equity transactions can be complex, and we support to our corporate clients by providing them end-to-end support on deals by understanding their capital requirements, approaching investors, providing expert and nuanced advise during business plan and financial model preparation, negotiations and coordinating diligence.

TFS has the unique ability of providing customized solutions and high-quality execution to each of our clients. We have a comprehensive understanding of the deal process and are expert project managers with extensive deal experience.